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IT Enabled techno-school

Brief overview

At present there are huge competition of gathering students from various educational institutions. Every school showcases some or other new things to attract students. Let us see how a school can be made IT friendly/ IT Enabled.

Faculty matters

# Ensure that all teaching staff having basic or advanced knowledge on the technical things. Ensure during teaching staff interview that they are aware of the current trend in IT.

Basic infrastructure

# Infrastructure is another factor. Now a days all schools comes with computers and tech enabled teaching system like projectors, game consoles etc. Ensure to conduct a tech summit by utilising a senior person from IT industry who can take students through various IT stuff in a beautiful way.

Start advance

# Now a days kids are born with mobiles & tablets in hand. REcently I had seen a cartoon where an LKG student entering his first class worrying, how can he pass the full school day without tablet or mobile phone. Ensure to teach the kids basics of technology from beginning.

Tech sharing sessions

# Keep a special meet-up or seminar for whole assembly to share some of the topics between students. This will encourage the kids to learn from each other and share things across.

Well connected, well mannered

# Ensure tech kids are not misusing the bad sides of IT. Do a regular audit/ check up with expert for the same. An efficient IT School can bring maximum potential from a student.

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