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Current roles of non teaching staff

Brief overview

There are many roles for non teaching staff at school. Now a days we do have Non teachings staff at schools like HR, coordinator, admin manager etc, Non teaching staff are important in public relations as that of teaching staff, effective working relationship with non teaching staff is also very much required. So here are few advantages and disadvantages of Non teaching staff.

A Major player in educational industry

# If you are working as a non teaching staff suppose like HR, coordinator you will be facing the public, where you will have more interaction with the public segments, you can better potentialities with better public relation in the school where as the Teaching staff will not have the same. Non teaching staff will thereby deal with the Custodians etc.., whatever the duties given. Non teaching staff deserves much attention than the teaching staff, because the teaching staff would be busy always with the children. If you are a non teaching staff you will have more duties and responsibilities specially when you are related to admin and where as the teaching staff will not have much as they are to concentrate with the teaching only. Sometimes a non teaching staff will be paid a high salary when compared to teaching staff. If you are working as a non teaching staff you will have the rights to take part in all the fields and matters of school, where as a teaching staff cannot. These are the few advantages a non teaching staff has. Let us even see the dis advantages now.

More responsible

# Few disadvantages are like if you are facing the public especially if you are working in a school there will be lot of challenges to overcome. If you are working as a non teaching staff all the work related to the school will be put forward to you other than teaching. Management will be focused much towards the non teaching staff especially if you are related to admin. Responsibilities will be high, when it comes to timings for a non teaching staff it will be extended other than the school timings. You will have to maintain many records related to the school and children, which must seem burden. A teaching staff will always be granted with leave when the children are granted, but it's a different case when it comes to non teaching staff, sometimes they are expected to work even on Sundays. These are the few advantages and disadvantages of non teaching staff.

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