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Vacating a home? Here are the tips

Brief overview

Here we tried to let people take some precautions while shifting the house. Moving from one place to another, on the other hand vacating your room is the most stressful experience one can face. There are so many things to do and it is completely overwhelming. Set up a list of tasks that need to be done In order to avoid difficulty while vacating.

*Vacating notice:

# Write down a vacating notice to your owner, this is in order to get rid of problems. Keep it polite and simple.
# Mention the vacating date in the letter.
# Give you're forwarding address and contact details, this is where your landlord can contact you for further queries.

*General cleanliness:

# Clean up all the rubbish.
# Pack up all your things in a day or two.
# Sweep the external areas like passage.
# Empty the dirt in the bins and wash it out.
# Remove the stains found in your house or vacating area.

*Packing up things:

# Make sure you start to pack things with the smaller things, it would help you wind up soon.
# Start packing up things from your bedroom, kitchen and living room.
# If you are using luggage bags make sure the bulk things are kept in down first and then the lighter one's

*Mistakes to avoid during shifting or vacating house:

# Don't be in a hurry. Keep calm and pack your things listening to music.
# Not taking help from others, since many of them think that vacating the house is a easy task.
# People always pack with the most used things which is a common mistake, pack your belongings with the least used one's, so that we dont miss any unused
# Don't pack in the last minute. This is the hectic situation everyone faces during vacating a room our house.
# Pack in such a way that things belonging to kitchen are packed in identical luggage and in the same way the other things which are at home.
# Make sure you don't keep the things like carpet, clothes pending to clean before you vacate the house because it would be a difficult task to do after vacating.
# Spend some time on paper related documents when your are packing up things, at times you might miss few important documents in hurry, hence pack up all the paper documents couple of days before vacating.

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